week of march 28 ~ break point

April 3, 2011 at 3:24 pm 2 comments

week of march 28

monday off
tuesday off
wednesday 5 miles ~ gym tread
average 8:50
thursday off
friday off
saturday off
sunday 10 miles ~ tc trails with b3 (sort of) and the european
average 9:40

weekly total miles 15
2011 total miles

asics gel landreth 6 104

notice my pattern for the week ~ off off off off …. UGH! two runs. neither impressive in speed or distance. but it was one hell of a week and i just couldn’t fit in anything more. well, i probably could have but simply didn’t.

monday ~ a headache and bad weather that left me with no desire to do anything except feed the kid then put us both to bed. tuesday ~ sab’s guitar lesson then skate night. a school fund raiser at the local roller rink. wednesday a decent run then dinner and drinks with the knight. thursday a root canal (yippee) followed by the crazy storms that led to this then movie night with the ironman to see the documentary “my run”. friday ~ sab’s ice skating lesson then a wine and chat night with the nyc girl and Qd. saturday ~ house showings and a night at the drive-in. and finally a sunday 10! all this on top of being a career woman, a homework tutor, a cook, a dog walker, a maid, a pool cleaner, a lawn mower and more.

the plan for today had been 14 but a little over a mile into the run we hit remnants of the week’s rain and the mud we traipsed through left us with wet feet. b3 was worried about blistering before our race next weekend so she opted to turn back with a plan to head home, change shoes and run in her ‘hood. so the european (more on him in a little bit) and i continued on only to be stopped dead in our tracks about another quarter mile in by about two feet deep of flowing water that was completely impassable without a wade. mud is one thing on a trail run. almost swimming is another. but we wanted miles so we backtracked and went in from the other side where there are less stream crossings and thankfully found no wet roadblocks. we did opt to cut the run down to 10 though since i could feel that i was blistering (these damn shoes!) and needed to be careful. it was a good thing we shortened things too. about half a mile before we got back to the cars i suddenly remembered that i had b3’s car key in my shorts pocket. CRAP! poor thing. we found her running the levee. making the best out of being stranded and having done an almost 11-mile pieced together here and there run. two things to remember as we head into the florida rainy season; go the other direction to avoid flooding and the levee runs an almost 3-mile stretch if higher ground is a necessity.

as for life outside the run, this week was frustrating. i thought i had tenants for my house. the perfect pair. him military. her a past professional turned student. two kids. they wanted a two-year lease and loved the house! application approved and security deposit in the mail ~ or so they said. i unlisted the house. waited for the mail that never came. one email confirmed its impending arrival yet that was apparently a lie. further attempts at communication unanswered. it’s so disappointing. why lie? if they changed their minds that’s fine. it happens. but why not simply tell me. a call. an email. a text! common courtesy. so i’m back to square one. trying again myself this weekend and then i break and get a realtor come monday. i have no desire to shell out the almost $700 cut they will take but at this point i need the piece of mind.

friday night i lost it. came home after my girl’s night and burst into tears. the stress of all of it ~ moving, renting, packing, school change, summer program change, unexpected $800 root canal (that’s WITH insurance!) and attempts at dating and a life. it’s too much and i really think something needs to go. and we all know what goes bye-bye in my world before anything else … dating. i’m about over things anyway. the knight is just so uninteresting. fun in an immature party boy way but my god that gets old quick. and the ironman continues to confuse me with his time constraints and sometimes seeming lack of interest but failure to just go away. the other night i deemed him a tease. in jest of course, but i’m beginning to think i’m just not that far off. but then comes the european. he was on our team at the stair climb. LJ stumbled upon him at the irish run one night and convinced him to climb. he just moved here a few weeks ago from phenix. born and raised in switzerland. cute. sweet. maybe a little young for me (though i’ve dated younger). and honestly i don’t have a clue if he is even interested. we had talked trails at the climb so it was a no brainer way to keep connected by inviting him along to join us today. and he plans a return to the irish run this week. which of course the ironman is now at every week so not sure how that’s going to work out. maybe dating multiple men who run isn’t really a good idea. it’s nice to share the passion for it with someone but the irish run has become such a big to-do that any and every runner in the area is often there or has at least seemingly been there from time to time. including the knight! who, thank goodness, now has his son every tuesday so is unlikely to ever show up.

hopefully this next week will be better in all regards. i’ve been showing the house again all afternoon! one after another after another. a potential here. a definite no there. even so frustrating as the ones who LOVE it but have to worry about the cat allergy potential of the dander that will be left behind by my ex husband’s cat. not that i plan for a mid-life career change but remind me not to go into realty. i’m about over it already! i need to get someone in here so i can get back out there. to run. to date. to live. i’m ready for this move and my next chapter. now!

Entry filed under: 30-something single, dating, exercise, relationships, running. Tags: , , , , , , , , , .

twister the check is in the mail

2 Comments Add your own

  • 1. Barista  |  April 4, 2011 at 12:28 pm

    Sounds like you need a good vacation as much as I do! Good luck juggling everything. It’s a bitch, eh.

    • 2. becelisa  |  April 4, 2011 at 12:40 pm

      let’s go! i’m thinking a cruise to mexico. warm sand. cool water. hot cabana boys. tequila shots at senor frogs. leave all the worries behind …


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the best of times

5k pr ~ 24:23
10k pr ~ 52:49
half marathon pr ~ 1:55:10
marathon pr ~ 4:10:41
half ironman pr ~ 5:57:50
50k pr ~ 5:33:23
50-mile pr ~ 11:32:39

